Monday, January 14, 2008

Straightening the Collar

I was sitting in church this past weekend, when I noticed this couple across the way. The wife was making a bit of a fuss over her husband’s sweater, which was caught over his collar in the back. She made sure to straighten her husband’s collar so that all would be right with his appearance. The husband, for his part, seemed to not even know anything had been amiss, but he smiled nonetheless, appreciating his wife’s kindness.

I doubt quite seriously that anyone else really noticed what went on. I mean, there was nothing profound about it, at least on the surface. But, it did get me to thinking about all the folks that have cared enough about me to straighten my collar over time. There have been numerous people that have done this, from my dear mother to my sweet wife. All of them have cared enough about me to reach out and take care of me.

And then it struck me how lonely it would be if I hadn’t had anyone to straighten my collar over these years. My, that would’ve been pretty bleak. As my wife was out of town this past weekend, I’d been feeling a bit lonely, so perhaps I was just noticing this more. I consider myself quite fortunate to have folks in my life that do care.

Yet, there are so many people out there that don’t have this. They literally have no one around them to, well, straighten their collar. Whether its circumstances in life, or just choice, there are a number of folks in the world who live alone.

Who does straighten their collars? Are they destined to walk around the rest of their lives with un-straightened collars? Goodness, I hope not.

Fortunately, I think for these souls, there is someone who does, while not literally, at least figuratively straighten their collars. God is a master collar-straightener. Here’s Someone who knows all of our aches, our fears, our failures, and our myriad mistakes. Yet, He’s always there to clean up the mess, if we call upon Him, and yes, straighten the collars of our souls.

How else to explain those individuals who live alone, yet manage to be so cheerful and upbeat about their lives? Sure, sometimes I’ll bet they get lonely, but they also probably realize that in some fashion, God is there for them, and does indeed love them very much.

While I for one am really happy I have folks around me who will indeed straighten my collar, just like that couple in church, I’m also really happy for people who live alone that God is there for them.

And that’s because sooner or later, we’re all going to need our collars straightened.

-The Minister

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