Monday, January 28, 2008


There are times when it seems like I am rushing to get a group of chores done, or to get through a bit of work, so that I will emerge on the other side of these tasks into a better, more fun time. I catch myself doing this quite a bit during the work week actually, and it causes me to rush through the day if I’m not careful.

It’s during these times that I’m failing to live moment by moment. And, quite honestly, since life was designed to only live moment by moment, I like many others am making a big mistake.

Like the DNA in our bodies, which is put together and structured like a chain, life is a chain itself, a chain of moments, all flowing one after the other. These moments in sum eventually make up the days, weeks, months, and years of our lives. But, we all make a mistake when we try to live anything but one moment at a time.

So many times my mind is occupied either mulling something over that has already happened, or worrying about something that may, and far more often, may not happen in the future. When I allow my mind to do this, to occupy my head with thoughts about the past and the future, then I am failing to see the gift that God has built in to this wonderful tapestry He’s woven for us, that being the precious present.

We’re not really taught this way of thinking much, at least in the Western World, and it is a shame. If all of us could just focus our attention on just being here, in this very moment, our collective peace of mind would increase a thousand fold. I have a very real sense that God intended for us to live this way. Otherwise, why would He have structured life to flow moment by moment?

There are so many gifts we see when we are paying attention to the here and now, gifts that we didn’t see when our thoughts were racing through our past or to our unknown future. Today, I took a break, went outside the office, and walked two blocks down the street for no purpose other than to just breathe fresh air and see the sunshine. Each time a thought tried to enter my mind, I just saw it, and let it go. The only thing I wanted to focus upon was the wonderful fresh air I was breathing, and the sunshine shining down brightly upon me, on a mild winter’s day. The air and the sunshine were gifts, sent to us all to enjoy. For those brief minutes, I thoroughly enjoyed them.

Yet, how many of us really slow down and take the time to enjoy these free gifts? Sadly, many of us are preoccupied thinking about the past or the future, and fail to just allow ourselves to be here in the present moment. No wonder we feel out of sorts a lot. When we don’t live in the moment that is before us right now, we are going against the grain of how life is put together. Its as if we are trying to cram moments that don’t exist, namely the past and the future, into the only moment that does exist, which is the here and now.

When we just accept that right now is the only time we have, for it is the only time that “exists” for us in reality, we can start to slow down our racing thoughts, and flow more peacefully through the day.

Yesterday’s but a memory, and tomorrow is a great big unknown. Worrying about one, and trying to predict another, is kind of a fool’s game. God gave us one time really, and that time is NOW.

And just for this moment, I’m going to enjoy that time.

-The Minister

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying

If you’re a fan of the movie “The Shawshank Redemption”, you recognized that statement immediately. It is uttered by the main characters in a couple of key moments during the film, and it has always resonated with me, starting from the very first moment I heard it.

From time to time, I can battle the blues. I don’t know what it is about me, but there are certainly days when the world just seems a little bleaker. These are times I pull out this wonderful movie, and go straight to these scenes for a little inspiration. Yesterday was such a day, and I really needed to hear these words.

At times I feel my efforts in life have been rather un-inspiring. I’m not one of those fortunate few who knew from a very early age what they wanted to do in life. My lot, unfortunately, has been not knowing what I wanted to do when I grew up. This can lead to feelings of disenchantment with life, of not knowing if I’m really fulfilling what I was created to do. There are days, I must confess, when I look at myself in the mirror and ask “Is this all there is?”

When I get maudlin and stuck in these ruts, life can seem darker, and rather meaningless. It’s during these times that I think I’m really getting busy dying, and not getting busy living.
You see, we can look at our lives, as we can view many things, from two angles. We can either view ourselves as dying from the very first moment we leave the womb, which has some merit but is a bit depressing, or we can view ourselves as having the opportunity to live life to the absolute fullest each and every day. In other words, living until we die.

So, we can either get busy living, or get busy dying. As with most things, it’s a simple choice, but difficult to execute.

Yesterday, if you’d asked me which of the two choices I was making, I’d have to be honest and tell you I was getting busy dying. But, something inside of me made me pull out that wonderful movie, and watch those key scenes. Minutes after that, I made the decision, once again, to get busy living.

Sometimes, it seems like we have to make that decision over and over and over again. Like I mentioned, it can be seemingly easy to choose to get busy living, but not always easy to sustain it. I know at least for me, that’s true.

But, I think if we pay attention, we’ll catch the signs from God that making the decision to get busy living is a good one in the end. For me, yesterday, that sign was a feeling in my heart to pull out that wonderful movie. The next time I’m faced with this decision it may involve another message from God, sent in a way that I’m most receptive to hearing at that particular time.

One thing is for sure, when you boil life down to its essence, that is the major decision we all have to make: Get busy living, or get busy dying. Make the most of your life, or give up. Some days giving up seems tempting, but I don’t think I’ll ever truly embrace that choice.

Today, I choose to get busy living.

Hope you do too.

-The Minister

Monday, January 14, 2008

Straightening the Collar

I was sitting in church this past weekend, when I noticed this couple across the way. The wife was making a bit of a fuss over her husband’s sweater, which was caught over his collar in the back. She made sure to straighten her husband’s collar so that all would be right with his appearance. The husband, for his part, seemed to not even know anything had been amiss, but he smiled nonetheless, appreciating his wife’s kindness.

I doubt quite seriously that anyone else really noticed what went on. I mean, there was nothing profound about it, at least on the surface. But, it did get me to thinking about all the folks that have cared enough about me to straighten my collar over time. There have been numerous people that have done this, from my dear mother to my sweet wife. All of them have cared enough about me to reach out and take care of me.

And then it struck me how lonely it would be if I hadn’t had anyone to straighten my collar over these years. My, that would’ve been pretty bleak. As my wife was out of town this past weekend, I’d been feeling a bit lonely, so perhaps I was just noticing this more. I consider myself quite fortunate to have folks in my life that do care.

Yet, there are so many people out there that don’t have this. They literally have no one around them to, well, straighten their collar. Whether its circumstances in life, or just choice, there are a number of folks in the world who live alone.

Who does straighten their collars? Are they destined to walk around the rest of their lives with un-straightened collars? Goodness, I hope not.

Fortunately, I think for these souls, there is someone who does, while not literally, at least figuratively straighten their collars. God is a master collar-straightener. Here’s Someone who knows all of our aches, our fears, our failures, and our myriad mistakes. Yet, He’s always there to clean up the mess, if we call upon Him, and yes, straighten the collars of our souls.

How else to explain those individuals who live alone, yet manage to be so cheerful and upbeat about their lives? Sure, sometimes I’ll bet they get lonely, but they also probably realize that in some fashion, God is there for them, and does indeed love them very much.

While I for one am really happy I have folks around me who will indeed straighten my collar, just like that couple in church, I’m also really happy for people who live alone that God is there for them.

And that’s because sooner or later, we’re all going to need our collars straightened.

-The Minister

Monday, January 7, 2008


I heard a great sermon the other day at church, where the minister reflected on the possibility that all of us are on a journey “home”. I’ve read about this in other places as well, but it really struck me this time that this rings true to me.

“Home” in the minister’s sermon referred to being home with God, or back with God after our earthly life has passed. He eloquently reflected that it seemed our entire lives were spent trying to get back to a place we’ve never really known, yet instinctively know is our true home.

The last ten years or so of my life, I’ve really felt this tug or pull to go back home. There’s been such a spiritual longing inside of me, a need to find answers, a need for truth, that I do wonder if my internal compass pointing me in the direction of God was turned on a few years back. It’s a longing inside of me for more, more than what earthly life can offer, that drives me to know more about God.

I wonder if we humans all have this longing, a desire to know God, a desire to be at one with Him? Evidence exists that we do, namely in the Self Help section of your local bookstore. The shelves almost literally groan from the weight of all the Self Help books that promise the way to emotional, financial, or spiritual freedom. More titles are released seemingly every single month. Think the Self Help industry would be booming if there wasn’t a desire by a lot of people to figure life out? I think not.

I do wonder if God installed in our DNA an internal compass that does indeed point in the direction of home. If He didn’t, then why is there such a hue and cry from folks, all around the world, to figure out the answers to life’s greatest questions, namely who are we and why are we here? Perhaps we are to use this mortal life to figure out for our own these answers. When we do, then maybe we will truly be “home”.

I know I yearn to know more, that I really do want to know the answers. I guess I want to go home as badly as the next person. Maybe, if we use the analogy of school, this earthly life is to be spent learning the answers, and figuring things our on our own. When we do, and I do actually believe that we all do, even if its at the very end, then we are able to graduate from this life, and move back home.

I cannot for the life of me imagine a more glorious ending then to be back home with God. I hope with every fiber in my being that I do get to arrive back home, and be with Him for eternity. I hope that for every person on this planet.
But, what are we to do now, right here in the present? Are we truly separated from God, just because we are not home with Him on another plane of existence? Does that really mean that this life is merely drudgery, or “homework”, until finally we figure it all out and move back home with Pop?

Maybe what being home with God really means is simply opening our hearts to Him, and letting Him come back home to us. Maybe we’ve all been under the illusion, simply because we are all encased in these bodies of ours, that we are separate from God, when in fact, if we but let Him back in to our hearts, nothing could be further from the truth.

Maybe, just maybe, we can be home with God at this exact moment. Perhaps the longing we feel is merely a call from Him to open our hearts and minds to His love, so that He can heal our wounds. I know for one that I would welcome Him back into my heart, and do welcome Him now.

Could it really be true that “home is where the heart is” after all?

-The Minister